Zanna Wilson’s complete body of work is showcased here, in a series of curated collections from 2005 to date.
Click on a collection and those without red dots are available. There is also an edited selection of works available in Zanna’s Virtual Exhibition 2024. All measurements are the unframed sizes.
Zanna hopes a love of Scotland seeps through her work – the place which has become her sanctuary and endless muse. More images & angles can be found on Zanna’s Instagram.
“Collating my work together for this website has alerted me to the the fact there really are some coherent themes in my work. The love of texture runs through all my work, the playful delight at discovering a serendipitous mark, making a painting suddenly come together; the boldness to literally attack each surface I work on, sometime pushing it right back to the bare bones... The urgency of wanting to take down my responses to landscape is like a fever.”